Ongoing Research Project
Past Research Projects
- (2017-2019) PI of the
VEGA grant 1/0039/17
Complex networks and real problem solving with AIs
A/Prof. Maria Markosova ,
Dr. Peter Nather
from Comenius University and
A/Prof. Boris Rudolf
from Slovak Univ. of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia.
- (2014-2015)
Does language syntax mirror the structure of sensorimotor cognition?
AI of the research project 13-UOO-048 funded by the Marsden fund with
Prof. Alistair Knott (PI),
and A/Prof. Martin Takac.
Link to the article in Otago Magazine, issue 37, Feb 2014, p.32.
- (2011-2015) Functional networks of the brain with
Prof. Liz Franz
from the Department of Psychology at U. Otago. Our former PhD student
Dr. Paul D. McCarthy is currently with
the FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, U.K. Link to his
talk .
- (2011-2015) Gene regulatory networks in LTP with
Dr. Joanna Williams and
Dr. Margaret Ryan from the Department of Anatomy at U. Otago.
Our former PhD student:
Dr. Gonzalo Sanchez Nido is currently a
at the University of Bergen, Norway.
(2009-2011) Neural network model of sensorimotor grounding of language with
Prof. Alistair Knott
and Dr. Martin Takac
(funded by the BuildIT Postdoctoral Fellowship). Martin is currently also with the
Soul Machines, Auckland, New Zealand.
- (2005-2007) VEGA MS SR and SAV 1/2045/05
Modelling of complex systems by means of
neural networks with the emphasis on linguistics with
Dr. Igor Farkas,
Dr. Maria Markosova,
Dr. Peter Tino,
Michal Cernansky
and Matej Makula.
- (2003-2007) Computational neurogenetic modelling at
KEDRI AUT, Auckland, New Zealand with
Prof. Nik Kasabov
- (1996-1999) PI of the U.S.-Slovak Joint Project No.015-95
Theory of Cortical Plasticity with
Prof. Ford F. Ebner on application of the
BCM theory
to experience-dependent plasticity in somatosensory cortex.
Past PhD Students
Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
- Matus Tomko: Computational model of synaptic plasticity in CA1 region of hippocampus
(Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2021)
Martin Takac: Construction of meanings in living and artificial agents
(Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2009)
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
- Azam Shirrafiardekani (2017) Interaction of STDP and metaplasticity in modelling heterosynaptic plasticity
(co-supervision Prof. Joerg Frauendiener)
- Gonzalo Sanchez Nido (2015) Dynamical properties of gene regulatory networks
involved in long-term potentiation (co-supervision Dr. Joanna Williams)
- Mira Guise (2015) An examination of polychronous neural groups as a potential substrate
for representation (co-supervision A/Prof. Alistair Knott)
Paul McCarthy (2014) Functional network analysis of aging and Alzheimer's Disease
(co-supervision Prof. Liz Franz)
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
- Simei Gomes Wysoski: Evolving Spiking Neural Networks for Adaptive Audiovisual Pattern Recognition
(2008, co-supervision with Prof. Nik Kasabov)
Vishal Jain: Integrative approach to modelling and knowledge discovery of molecular
interactions in bioinformatics (2008, co-supervision with Prof. Nik Kasabov)
Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
Michal Cernansky: Comparison of Recurrent Neural Networks with Markov Models on Complex
Symbolic Sequences (Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2007).
Matej Makula: Power and Limitations of Recurrent Neural Networks in Processing
Sequences of Symbols (Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2009).