kristina malinovska photo

RNDr. Kristína Malinovská, PhD.
Centre for Cognitive Science
Department of Applied Informatics
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Comenius University
Mlynská dolina, 842 48 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

E-mail: kristina[[dot]]rebrova[[at]]fmph[[dot]]uniba[[dot]]sk
Office: I-35 (building of informatics)
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I am a lecturer (assistant professor) at the department of applied informatics FMFI UK. I have done my dissertation research in the field of cognitive robotics and ANN where I have focused on modeling grounding of meaning in sensorimotor cognition and modeling of mirror neuron system in humanoid robots.

My current focus is on Deep Learning and biologically plausible neural network learning. I am the lead author of the novel UBAL neural network model - a biologically plausible alternative for classical error backpropagation with a prospect of revolutionizing the way we build and use conventional artificial neural networks. I am also continuing research in the field of cognitive robotics with focus on sensorimotor cognition.

From the beginning of my PhD studies until present I have been working as a teacher at the MEi:CogSci master's programme. Currently I am teaching the Fundamentals of programming and Introduction to Computational Intelligence. See the teaching section for more information.